Option --test-suite: cannot be empty
php -f phpunitGroupConfig.php
Option takes no value, when specified, script will return total number of groups for the test suite specified in --test-suite.
It's the default if both --get-total and --get-group are specified or both --get-total and --get-group are not specified.
When option takes a positive integer value , script will generate phpunit_.xml file in the same location as the config
file specified in --configuration with a test suite named "group_" which contains the i-th group of tests from the test
suite specified in --test-suite.
When option takes value "all", script will generate config files for all groups at once.
Name of test suite to be splitted into groups.
Number of tests per group.
Path to phpunit configuration xml or xml.dist file.
Path to a text file containing tests that require group isolation. One test path per line.
Script uses getopt() which does not accept " "(space) as a separator for optional values. Use "=" for [--get-group] and [--isolate-tests] instead.
See https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getopt.php